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Imagine land as far as one can see with beautiful mountains and gorgeous rolling plains; picture a small flowing river in the distance. This place Texas and its beautiful land forms. Texas has amazing land regions and sensational a geography. The climate is changeable and hot.



Texas is very huge with a massive population. Being located in the southwestern region of the United States, Texas is bordered by the states of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arizona. Texas also borders the country of Mexico. In size, Texas is only second, following only Alaska, covering  268,581 square miles. Texas is also ranked 2nd in population with 25,145,567 residents and is behind California at 25,145,561. The capital of Texas is Austin which has a population of 790,390 people. Austin is located near the middle of the state. Two other big cities are Houston and Dallas. Houston is located in the Gulf Coastal Plains region, and Dallas is in the Prairie Plains region. Also Dallas’ population is 1,197,816 and Houston’s population is 2,099,491.



​​Changeable is one word that could describe Texas’ climate. Northern Texas has very cold winters, and extremely hot summers. All seasons are extremely windy. Texas has moderate precipitation and the panhandle gets flurries and ice storms. The average High is 83 degrees Fahrenheit, and the average Low is 46 degrees Fahrenheit.

Basic facts 

Texas has four main land regions. One of them is the gulf coastal plains region. This region lies along the southeastern border and has thin barrier islands. One of the islands is Padre Island,a place that attract seabirds, sea turtles, and tourists. It Contains two types of wetlands, bayous and sloughs.

Another land region of Texas is the Great Plains Region. There the wind blows almost all the time.This Land Region has more than 19,000 playa lakes which are water holes that fill with rain in the spring and are dry by the fall. It is also a vast grassland that are major producers of cotton and other crops.

Texas’ third region is the Interior Lowlands region.This land region stretches across northern central and northeastern Texas, with an abundance of low, rolling land. The regions is wetter than the great plains with some hardwood forests. Also, the Interior Lowlands region supports a lot of Texas’ agriculture.

The Basin and Range region is the last land region in Texas.It is also called the Trans-Pecos region. This region only gets about thirty centimeters of rain per year. The highest mountain in Texas, Guadalupe Peak, is in the northern part of this region. In the southern part of this region, the Rio Grande makes a big curve forming an area called  ‘The Big Bend’ which is harsh, yet beautiful. Big Bend National Park has rocky mountains, rivers and even a few deserts.





Texas doesn't have many mountains. Its highest peak is called Guadalupe Peak, which is 8,749 feet above sea level. the trail is very steep with 3,000 ft of elevation gain. A round trip takes six to eight hours; which is 8.4 miles without breaks. The Guadalupe Mountains are home to the Guadalupe Peak and many other trails such as The Devil’s Hall Trail which is only 4.2 miles for a round trip. The bowl is another trail, it is about 9.1 mile and takes eight to ten hours to hike.

Texas doesn’t have many rivers ethier. One major river is the Rio Grande. This lies on the border of Mexico and Texas, it stretches to 1,240 feet, and is the longest river in Texas.Will Rogers once described the Rio Grande as “The only river I know of that is in need of irrigating” Some other rivers are the Brazos, and the San Antonio. The Brazos was named Brazos de Dios which means arms of God. This flows southeast through most of Texas and covers a little over 1,200 miles. The San Antonio River is only 240 miles long; the depth of the San Antonio can vary from two to twenty four feet!

One of the few lakes in Texas is the Caddo lake. This lies along the Louisiana border and is filled with many channels, inlets, and cypress trees. Caddo Lake also has over 180 species of trees and shrubs. The Caddo Lake is even home to many endangered species of animals. Another major body of water is the Gulf of Mexico; which covers about 600,000 square miles. It also is often called the ocean of America.


In conclusion, Texas is a very beautiful state including gorgeous mountains, rivers dotting the land, and amazing rolling plains. The climate is humid and hot with very little rainfall. Multiple land regions come together to form this amazing state. So, go out there and fly to the lone star state!

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